Happy Birthday
Author: Michelle Fitzsimons
And other reasons to celebrate.
Threedom is officially a teenager and what an incredible journey the last 13 years have been. We would like to thank all of our amazing clients for your support. Those who have been with us from the start, the ones who no longer need us, those who are just joining us and those who are thinking about it. Your support has meant the world to us. Our success is also, in no small part down to our incredible support network. Friends, associates and cheerleaders who champion us, support us and shout about us from the roof tops. We would like to thank each and every one of you and hope you all take a little bit of pride in knowing the contribution you have made to our success and story.
Aside from our birthday, of which we are yet to officially celebrate (how unlike us!). We have other good news too!
We are really excited to announce our flagship open courses are back up and running.
The next “Developing Personal Resilience” open course will be held on May 19th where we’ll be teaching delegates all sorts of tips, tricks and techniques to help us in the mad world we live in.
For more information about the course or to reserve a place, please get in touch or click the link below.
Career Coaching – Find the career that feeds your soul.
What do you want to be when you grow up?”
It’s the burning question many have never found the answer to. Our working lives are now longer during which many of us will have different chapters. Regardless of whether you are at the start of your journey or many years in, it’s about helping you realise what feeds your soul and makes you happy. What energises and motivates you.
Using Strengthscope psychometric profiling we break tasks and situations down and help you discover where your energy is best focused. What you at your best looks like and why and what bores or exhausts you.
For more information, please get in touch of click the link below.